Hi, I’m Vasu Kuram ✌🏽

What I do

I draw on my formal training in Service Design, UX Research, and Data Science to convey a compelling package of data-driven research, community-driven ideas, and comprehensive solutions. I influence highly hierarchical and procedural organizations like government and healthcare, to implement future-thinking solutions.

My process

  1. Get out there and speak with real users and supporting staff

  2. Document the current state service flow

  3. Develop a compelling and relatable research story

  4. Engage stakeholders and leaders in co-creative ideation

  5. Design provocative service prototypes to engage internal teams

  6. Identify the people + resources to make the service a reality


Service Designer & Researcher @ NYU Langone Health, working with patients and doctors to define GenAI experiences that reduce burnout and improve access to healthcare.


MS Integrated Design & Media @ NYU

Service Designer @ Intuit

Bioinformatician @ National Institutes of Health

BS Bioinformatics and AI @ CWRU

Other stuff about me

I volunteer with the Service Design Network! Last year I helped design and host the virtual Next Generation Conference 2024!

I love my head-empty-no-thoughts walks around the city, listening to Kpop, Bollywood, and Indie.

Spending quality time with people I love in nature brings me so much peace and fulfillment.

My most recent hyper-fixation is urban planning and public transportation… more trains and busses pls <3